Respecting values!
In a society where we are seeing the return of a certain form of prudishness, where young people have a tendency to hide their bodies, it is important that every naturist seeks to defend the fundamental values of naturism.
Respect for nudity
• Upon arrival we ask every holiday-maker to sign the “Commitment to the Naturist attitude” which represents a moral commitment to
respect naturist values. Do not be surprised when you asked to sign it!
• We ask our leaders and parents to ensure that activities and entertainment for young people are carried out naked whenever
• Some events and sports tournaments are reserved only for naturists who are naked.
• Signs with the slogan “Live naturally, live naked” will remind you that you are in a Naturist Village.
Nudity and teenagers
Young children take to nudity very easily, but this is unfortunately often not the case of teenagers. Their changing body as well as the first hormonal developments and associated emotions disrupt and often puzzle them. Undressing for them therefore seems a terrible ordeal.
At Le Clapotis, we are quite aware of these difficulties faced by young people. We do not want to apply “enforced” naturism on them which may block them in future and turn their attentions away from this wonderful lifestyle forever. We invite them to try to wear suitable clothing such as sarongs. We try to familiarise them with group nudity through appropriate activities, for example in the swimming pool where nudity is compulsory.
Respect for the environment
But naturism is not limited to living naked in a community. Respect for the environment and being aware of its fragility is perhaps the core value of our movement. So it seems essential to conduct year-round eco-citizen activities to protect the environment.
• EDF “Contrat Équilibre”
Every year the Tohapi Group, to which Le Clapotis campsite belongs, signs an EDF “Contrat Équilibre” which, in exchange for a
financial contribution, commits EDF to producing10,000,000 KWh of “green” energy (geothermic, wind, solar, etc). This power
consumption is equivalent to the electricity consumption of 80% of the group’s holiday villages throughout France.
• Village planting campaigns
Every year le Clapotis instigates replanting and maintenance of vegetation work.
• Beach cleaning campaign
Under the auspices of the Surf Rider Foundation, cleaning of the La Palme lake beaches is organised every year.
• An eco-sensitive approach
The site uses eco-labelled products for maintenance and cleaning, favours the use of electrical rather than thermal equipment and materials, and favours low fossil fuel consumption (LED lighting, solar technology, presence detection lighting in communal areas, low-energy boilers for sanitary facilities, etc.).
So that Le Clapotis remains a fantastic naturist area where we live together and which we love so much, please all be careful to respect the environment.